Car Wash for Sale
Have you been on the lookout for car washes on sale in South Africa? Look no further because Business for Sale has got you covered. With a full listing of business opportunities, business broking tools, valuations, knowledge sharing, and services, Business for Sale is the portal of choice for entrepreneurs.
Business for Sale
15 April 2024
Buying or franchising a car wash can be an attractive entrepreneurial prospect. Beyond always having your car smell like a fresh pine forest, there are many advantages of owning a car wash. The enduring need for easily accessible and affordable vehicle cleaning services makes owning a car wash a safe investment.
However, there are also some disadvantages that come with the car wash territory like expensive equipment repair and pricy utility bills.
Pros & Cons of a Car Wash Business
Before committing to owning or franchising a carwash consider the following pros and cons.
Pros of Owning a Car Wash Business
- Car Washes Are Always Needed: The latest statistics of South Africa’s registered motor vehicles were reported to be 9.600.412 vehicles. That’s a whole lot of vehicles that need to be washed. The good thing about car washes is that they can’t be outsourced or bought online, people need to go to their local car wash, meaning great potential for plenty of loyal, returning customers.
- You’re The Boss: Owning your own business means that you are your own boss. Owning your own car wash allows you to make business decisions without having to report to anyone and the best part is, you choose what to do with the profits.
- Car Washes Are Profitable: The most attractive advantage of owning a car wash is that they are a sustainably profitable business. A small-scale car wash available on Business for Sale can bring you R20,057 with an R240,681 yearly net profit.
Cons of Owning a Car Wash Business
- Car Washes Are Seasonal: Everyone knows that devastating feeling when you just got your car washed and the rain clouds start rolling in. In months prone to more rain, car washes see far less business which can affect the business’ success.
- Competitive Industry: Since owning a car wash is a fairly straightforward operation to run, there are several small-scale competitors that try to offer the cheapest price. Therefore, as the saying goes “location, location, location”! Always investigate your competitors in the surrounding area before investing in a car wash business.
How Much Does It Cost to Invest In a Car Wash?
According to the Franchise Association of South Africa (FASA), the franchise sector has displayed over 4% growth in the past few years and that car washes are one of the burgeoning businesses of the country. The average cost of buying or franchising a car wash is estimated between R348,000 - R605,500, depending on the size scale of the business.
Car Wash for Sale South Africa
Have you been on the lookout for car washes on sale in South Africa? Look no further because Business for Sale has got you covered. With a full listing of business opportunities, business broking tools, valuations, knowledge sharing, and services, Business for Sale is the portal of choice for entrepreneurs.
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