Ref. No - BFS937054

LocationSouth Africa, Gauteng

Ref. No - BFS937054

Sector - Food

Asking Price
Monthly Profit
Asset Value
R 1,333,618
Stock Value
R 185,445
Yearly Net Profit
R 572,322


The bakery is known for the high quality and freshness of its range of baked goods.

Give me more information

Fully describe the business's activities?

The business is a retail bakery located on a corner of the prime retail area of Edenvale. The business supplies certain Spar and Pick n Pay stores in addition to its own retail prewsence.

How does the business operate on a daily basis?

The bakery opens at 7h00 and closes at 20h00.
Baking operations start at 5h30 and close at 15h00

What Advertising/Marketing is carried out?

The bakery has a website, a social media presence, is on whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram.

What competition exists?

There is local competition but this has not affected the bakery turnover

How could the profitability of the business be improved?

Adding new lines such as a savoury range, salads and chicken

Give a breakdown of staff/ functions/ length of service?

2 bakers (bread and rolls)
2 customer service personnel
4 confectioners
1 driver
1 assistant manager

Do any have management potential?


How involved is the Owner in running the business?


When does the current lease end?


What are the trading hours?

7h00 to 20h00

What are the main assets of the business?

Furniture & fittings
Shop counters
POS system and hardware
Baking equipment
Food Safety Certificate from GFSC


Well established in the community
Excellent reputation
Proprietary recipes with proven appeal
High traffic location
Moderate rent
Corporate customers
Approved Food Safety Management System
Well trained, productive staff


Bakeries is a competitive market


Additional lines will boost revenue


No visible threats beyond the visible economic cycle

What is the reason for the sale?

Owner wishes to retire and emigrate

Contact | Enquire


Malcolm Keevy

LocationSouth Africa, Gauteng

Preferred method of contact

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