Ref. No - BFS936698

LocationSouth Africa, KwaZulu-Natal

Ref. No - BFS936698

Sector - Retail

Asking Price
Monthly Profit
R 600,939
Asset Value
R 10,793,779
Stock Value
R 561,497
Yearly Net Profit
R 7,211,270


Sales of Personal Protective Equipment offering a range of safety gear and work wear to meet the diverse needs of industries including but not limited to construction, healthcare, hospitality and manufacturing. In addition to PPE this business operates a clothing manufacturing facility equipped to handle production from design to finished product. Embroidery and screen-printing services are also offered to add logos, branding and personalization to garments and promotional items.

Give me more information

Fully describe the business's activities?

"Our business is a multifaceted enterprise specializing in personal protective equipment (PPE) sales, clothing manufacturing (CMT), and customization services such as embroidery and screen printing.

In our PPE store, we offer a comprehensive range of safety gear and work-wear to meet the diverse needs of industries including but not limited to: construction, healthcare, hospitality, and manufacturing. Our inventory includes high-quality products such as safety gloves, helmets, protective eyewear, respirators, and reflective apparel, sourced from reputable suppliers to ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations.

In addition to our PPE offerings, we operate a clothing manufacturing facility equipped to handle the entire production process from design to finished product through our Cut, Make, Trim (CMT) services. Whether our clients require custom uniforms, promotional apparel, or specialized workwear, our skilled team utilizes state-of-the-art machinery and quality materials to deliver tailored solutions that meet their specifications and branding requirements.

Furthermore, we provide embroidery and screen printing services to add logos, branding, and personalization to garments and promotional items. Our customization options allow businesses, organizations, and individuals to enhance their brand visibility, create cohesive uniforms, and commemorate special events with professionally branded merchandise.

Our target market includes businesses of all sizes, organizations, institutions, and individuals seeking reliable PPE solutions, custom apparel, and branding services. Whether it's outfitting a construction crew with safety gear, producing uniforms for a corporate event, or creating branded merchandise for a promotional campaign, we strive to meet the unique needs of each client with personalized attention and exceptional service.

At the core of our business is a commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction. We prioritize product integrity, timely delivery, and competitive pricing to ensure our clients receive value-added solutions that meet their expectations and exceed industry standards. By combining a diverse range of products and services under one roof, we offer convenience, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness to businesses looking for comprehensive apparel and safety solutions.

In summary, our business operates as a one-stop shop for PPE, clothing manufacturing, and customization services, catering to the diverse needs of industries, organizations, and individuals with a focus on quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction."

How does the business operate on a daily basis?

Our daily operations involve managing inventory for our PPE store, overseeing production for our clothing manufacturing services, and fulfilling orders for embroidery and screen
printing customization. We focus on quality control, efficient workflow management, and exceptional customer service to ensure smooth operations, timely delivery and most
importantly SALES!!!!

What Advertising/Marketing is carried out?

Advertising and marketing efforts for our business take into account various factors, our target audience, budget, and overall marketing strategy.

Here are some advertising and marketing activities that our business carries out:

Digital Marketing:
This includes online advertising through platforms such as social media advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, as well as email marketing
campaigns to reach and engage with potential customers.

Content Marketing:
Creating and sharing valuable content such as blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and podcasts to attract, inform, and engage with target audiences. Content marketing aims to establish the business as a thought leader in our industry and build trust with customers.

Social Media Marketing:
Leveraging social media platforms to connect with target audiences, share updates, promotions, and relevant content, and engage with followers through comments, messages,
and interactions. Social media marketing helps increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads.

Offline Advertising:
This includes traditional advertising methods such as print ads in newspapers, magazines, flyers, brochures, direct mail campaigns, radio ads and outdoor advertising (billboards, posters). Offline advertising helps us reach local audiences and generate brand awareness.

Referral Programs:
Encouraging existing customers to refer friends, family, or colleagues to the business in exchange for incentives, discounts, or rewards. Referral programs leverage word-of-mouth marketing to acquire new customers through trusted recommendations. We choose to implement a combination of these advertising and marketing strategies based
on our goals, target audience, budget, and resources available. It's essential to regularly track and evaluate the performance of marketing efforts to optimize campaigns and ensure a positive return on investment (ROI).

What competition exists?

The competition in our industry varies, but generally includes - Local PPE Suppliers, Online Retailers and other Clothing Manufacturers.

How could the profitability of the business be improved?

Continuous Improvement:
Embrace a culture of continuous improvement and innovation to stay ahead of competitors and adapt to changing market dynamics. Encourage feedback from customers and
employees, invest in research and development, and stay abreast of industry trends and emerging technologies.

Financial Management:
Monitor financial performance closely and make informed decisions based on key performance indicators (KPIs) and financial data. This includes setting realistic financial
targets, tracking progress regularly, and making adjustments as needed to ensure profitability.

Employee Engagement:
Engage and empower employees to contribute to the business's success by fostering a positive work culture, providing opportunities for professional development, and
incentivizing performance through rewards and recognition programs. Satisfied and motivated employees are more productive and committed to achieving business goals.

Revenue Growth:
Explore opportunities to increase revenue by expanding the product or service offerings, targeting new customer segments, or entering new markets. This could involve introducing complementary products or services, upselling to existing customers, or diversifying revenue streams.

Cost Management:
Analyse expenses thoroughly and identify areas where costs can be reduced without sacrificing quality. This may involve renegotiating contracts with suppliers, optimizing
inventory management, minimizing waste, and streamlining operations to increase efficiency.

Give a breakdown of staff/ functions/ length of service?

Here's a breakdown of the staff functions and their average length of service in our different divisions:

Managers and Supervisors:
Average Length of Service: 4-5 years

Average Length of Service: 2-3 years

Sales Representatives:
Average Length of Service: 1-2 years

Admin Team:
Average Length of Service: 6 years

Casual Employees:
Occasional, no fixed average length of service

Do any have management potential?


How involved is the Owner in running the business?

40% with direct staff - Management in place

When does the current lease end?

Yearly lease

What are the trading hours?

7:30 – 17:00 Monday to Friday
7:30 – 15:00 Saturdays and public holidays

What are the main assets of the business?

Kia k2700
Renault Triber
Embroidery machines
Cmt Machines
Screen printing plant Computers


Diversified Services:
Offering both PPE products and customization services like embroidery and screen printing adds value and attracts a wider range of customers.

Having expertise in PPE ensures high-quality products that meet safety standards, instilling trust in customers.

In-House Production:
Operating a CMT facility allows for greater control over production processes, quality assurance, and customization options.

Positive word-of-mouth and repeat customers indicate a good reputation for quality products and services.

Strategic Location:
Being situated in a convenient location accessible to both businesses and individuals can attract walk-in customers and facilitate distribution.


Seasonal Demand:
Demand for PPE products and customizations may fluctuate based on factors like seasonal trends or economic conditions, leading to potential revenue variability.

Facing competition from both online retailers and local businesses offering similar products and services may pose a challenge.

Dependence on Suppliers:
Reliance on suppliers for raw materials and PPE inventory may lead to disruptions in supply chain management or increased costs.

Skill Dependency:
Skilled labor is crucial for embroidery and screen printing, and any shortage of skilled personnel could impact production and service quality.

Limited Market Reach:
Without effective marketing strategies, reaching a broader audience beyond the local area may be challenging.


Expansion of Product Range:
Introducing new PPE products or expanding into related safety equipment can cater to evolving customer needs and increase revenue streams.

Online Presence:
Developing an e-commerce platform can tap into a larger market and provide convenience for customers to browse and purchase products online.

Corporate Partnerships:
Collaborating with businesses or institutions for bulk orders or exclusive contracts can secure stable revenue streams and enhance brand visibility.

Customization Trends:
Leveraging emerging trends in personalized or branded PPE can create opportunities for upselling and differentiation in the market.

Training Programs:
Offering training programs for embroidery and screen printing can generate additional revenue streams and address any skill gaps in the workforce.


Economic Downturns:
Economic recessions or downturns may lead to reduced consumer spending on nonessential items, affecting demand for customizations and discretionary PPE purchases.

Regulatory Changes:
Changes in safety regulations or compliance standards may require adjustments to product specifications or operational procedures, leading to additional costs or disruptions.

Price Competition:
Price competition from larger retailers or online platforms offering discounted PPE products may squeeze profit margins and undermine competitiveness.

Supply Chain Disruptions:
Any disruptions in the supply chain due to factors like global pandemics, natural disasters, or trade restrictions can impact inventory availability and production timelines.

Technological Advances: Rapid technological advancements in manufacturing processes or digital printing techniques may render current equipment or practices obsolete,
necessitating costly upgrades or retraining efforts.

What is the reason for the sale?

"I've decided to sell the PPE store and CMT business to fully commit myself to a new venture in the property sector. As opportunities arose in the property market, I found myself increasingly drawn to its potential and decided to concentrate my efforts there. By divesting the PPE business, I can direct all my attention and resources towards building and growing my property portfolio, allowing me to pursue my passion and maximize my potential in this new endeavor."

Contact | Enquire


Nic Nortje

LocationSouth Africa, KwaZulu-Natal

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