Ref. No - BFS936724

LocationSouth Africa, Western Cape

Ref. No - BFS936724

Sector - Services

Asking Price
Monthly Profit
Asset Value
R 1,530,000
Stock Value
R 419,000
Yearly Net Profit
R 1,566,134


This reputable enterprise, situated in a prosperous area of the Western Cape, boasts a strong reputation for excellence and dependability. The company has enduring partnerships with both local and national architects, backed by a skilled and certified team. With no outstanding liabilities and robust, exclusive supplier agreements with leading brands, this well-maintained, financially stable business is ideally positioned for ongoing growth in a rapidly expanding community

Give me more information

Fully describe the business's activities?

Supply and Installation of top quality products and excellent workmanship. Offering custom lifestyle solutions ranging from Flooring & decks to blinds, awnings, shutters, burglar-proofing. This Company also offer maintenance and care services with personal supervision.

How long has the business been established?

More than 15 years.

How long has the owner had the business?

More than 15 years.

How does the business operate on a daily basis?

Servicing the construction and domestic industry with products and services.

What Advertising/Marketing is carried out?

Local newspaper
Local magazines
Country wide web marketing
Branded vehicles
Showroom and warehouse premises

Does the business have any contract work?

Yes, contract work with reputable companies from time to time.
Most of the work is with the private sector.

What competition exists?

There are some competitors, yet this company are the longest-standing outfit in the area.

What are the seasonal trends?

More awning sales in summer. The rest is very consistent.

Is the business VAT Registered?


What VAT documentation is on file?


Are there up-to-date Management Accounts available?


What Balance Sheet and Income Statements are available?

Available on request

What percentage of the business is cash/credit?

100% cash

What is the age analysis of the debtors book?

Nothing owing

How could the profitability of the business be improved?

Be more proactive

What is the total staff complement?

12 employees

Give a breakdown of staff/ functions/ length of service?

Available on request

Do any receive special perks or incentives?

Not at this stage

Are they on contract?

Only one member, the rest are permanent staff.

Do any have management potential?


How involved is the Owner in running the business?


When does the current lease end?

Two premises are owned by the owners of this company.

Is there an option of renewal & what period?

For Sale or rental agreement

What is the annual escalation %?

It's normal between 6-8%

What are the trading hours?

Mon - Thursday 07h30 - 17h00
Friday 07h30 - 16h00 office staff
Friday 07h30 - 14h30 site staff

What is the square meters of the business?

Approximately 250m2

Is a copy of the lease available?

A lease agreement will be available on request as part of the business sale agreement.

Do you require a licence?

No licence required

What lease deposit and/or other surety is required?

On request a full month deposit will be required

What are the main assets of the business?

Office furniture
Assets list ...available on request

Are any items not included in the sale?

Two properties

What is their overall condition?

Good and well maintained

Do any require repairing?

Not at present

How have they been valued ?

No recent evaluation done

Which assets are on lease/HP and with whom?

No HP assets except the printer

What are their settlement amounts?

Nothing outstanding

Are copies of agreements available?

The printer is on lease

Are they presently insured?

Yes, the properties and 3rd party insurance on the vehicles


a Well-established company with an excellent reputation


Not aware of any


Expand to other areas


Not aware of any

What is the reason for the sale?

The owner need to start transitioning towards retirement and have an interest to go into ministry.

Why is this a good business?

Well-established business in an excellent municipal area with a fast-growing affluent community.
Working with local and national Architects regularly. The staff is trained and accredited in their trades—a good clean business without any debt. They have strong accounts with the suppliers and manufacturers. This company does enjoy some exclusivity on some of the top brands.

Contact | Enquire


Rolandi Smit

LocationSouth Africa, Mpumalanga

Preferred method of contact

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