Ref. No - BFS937124

LocationSouth Africa, Gauteng

Ref. No - BFS937124

Sector - Retail

Asking Price
Monthly Profit
Asset Value
R 1,003,412
Stock Value
R 200,000
Yearly Net Profit
R 635,697


This business is your one stop shop for all your water requirements . Filtration systems , filtered water , borehole installations and more . This is a very well run franchise store that has a very capable manager . New owner can choose how much time they would like to spend at the premises .

Give me more information

Fully describe the business's activities?

Water refilling and selling - purified, magnesium enriched and alkaline
Selling of Reverse Osmosis and Purifying Systems
Selling of replacement filters for the above
Selling and renting water coolers as well as the servicing thereof.
Fitment of filtration systems for boreholes
Selling of filters and media for the above

How does the business operate on a daily basis?

Customers will either come into the store and purchase the goods required or call the store for assistance on goods required.

What Advertising/Marketing is carried out?

Social Media Local
Franchisor advertises nationally

What competition exists?

Reverse osmosis sales in supermarkets

How could the profitability of the business be improved?

Exposure to schools in the area
Actively marketing cooler rental and water deliveries to businesses

Give a breakdown of staff/ functions/ length of service?

Shop Assistant 1 year
Technician/driver 5 years
Front office manager 2 years
Back office manager 5 years

Do any have management potential?

There is a manager in place

How involved is the Owner in running the business?

One of 3 owners runs the business finances on a daily basis , but does have a manager in place.

When does the current lease end?

30 November 2025

What are the trading hours?

Mon to Friday 9h00 to 18h00
Saturday 08h00 to 17h00
Sunday and public holidays 09h00 to 15h00

What are the main assets of the business?

Filtration system
Shop fitting
POS system


Supply water when water outages occur
Supply and maintain water filtration due to suspect quality of municipal water.
Water is the sauce of LIFE.


Dependant on municipal supply


Supply businesses and schools with purified water and filtration systems


Cheap reverse osmosis water sold by supermarkets

What is the reason for the sale?

Part owner and manager involved in business will retire

Contact | Enquire


Joe De Gouveia

LocationSouth Africa, Gauteng

Preferred method of contact

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