Ref. No - BFS936626

LocationSouth Africa, Western Cape

Ref. No - BFS936626

Sector - Manufacturing

Asking Price
Monthly Profit
R 54,615
Asset Value
R 312,708
Stock Value
R 80,000
Yearly Net Profit
R 655,377


This business is known as a specialist in design and manufacture of playground jungle gyms and other such outdoor equipment. In ideal half day business for an Owner who does not want full day involvement. They pride themselves on the quality of product and the with exploded view assembly instructions allow for easy assembly and make this an easy DIY product if desired. The company has an excellent website catalogue with many designs and permutations and is able to offer any outdoor type equipment from basic jungle gyms to military type obstacle courses. Product selection listed on Take-a-Lot can be increased and promotions do boost sales.

Give me more information

Fully describe the business's activities?

This business manufacture playground equipment, from jungle gyms to rocking horses, obstacle courses, rockers, seesaws climbing walls etc.
A unique aspect of the business is that the parts are packed with a very user friendly assembly instruction sheet allowing the assembly to be a DIY job in many instances.
A significant part of the business is across border supply.

How does the business operate on a daily basis?

The Owners visit the business business on a daily basis, albeit for only part of the day.
Currently the Owners have other business interests too which requires them to spend only part of the day at this one.
The business does not require management to be present at all times, although this would be a benefit to increasing the turnover.

What Advertising/Marketing is carried out?

Social Media emphasis which is very successful and they boost this at times to increase awareness.
They also have certain products listed on Take-a-Lot.
There is branding on all the equipment that they sell.

What competition exists?

There are numerous competitors nationally but each with their own niche' market presence.
This business has a substantial market share in certain areas of the Garden Route, but a large amount of their sales are to other provinces as well as cross border sales.

How could the profitability of the business be improved?

The current Owners are not able to spend a full day at this business as they have other business interests too and this is not their core business so that impacts the profitability..
A new Owner may consider the further development of the export market and also attending the numerous Expo's that take place nationally.
There are opportunities for line extensions and more products sold via Take-A-Lot.
Marketing initiatives would also be of benefit to the business.

How involved is the Owner in running the business?

The Owners visit the business daily but do not spend full days at the business since this is not their main focus.

When does the current lease end?


What are the trading hours?

Monday to Thursdays: 08-00 to 5-00pm.
Fridays: 08-00 to 3-00pm.

What are the main assets of the business?

Equipment for manufacture.
Computer hardware and software.


Excellent website catalogue which brings in much of the business.
Method of packaging and instructions and parts itemisation make it very easy to install as a DIY job.
Fine quality of product ensures no returns or dissatisfaction.
Products listed on Take-a-Lot allow for promotional activity and range can be increased.


Current Owners are not focussed on this business due to their main business requiring attention.


Increase marketing and presence at Expo's.
Add new line items to Take-a-Lot basket.
Cross border sales can be increased with sales and marketing initiatives.


There are no known threats to this business if management remains hands on.

What is the reason for the sale?

The Owners have other businesses that require a lot more attention and contribute more significantly to their income.
They need to let this business go before it affects them negatively due to the work load increase.

Contact | Enquire


Noel Heath

LocationSouth Africa, Western Cape

Preferred method of contact

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