Ref. No - BFS936087

LocationSouth Africa, Limpopo

Ref. No - BFS936087

Sector - Services

Asking Price
Monthly Profit
Asset Value
R 260,000
Stock Value
R 0
Yearly Net Profit
R 815,421


One business with three revenue streams. This business has the franchise for installing security and physical barriers as well as a blind fitting offering, and they manufacture number plates for vehicles This is a serious seller and will consider all offers

Give me more information

Fully describe the business's activities?

The business has a Trellidor franchise and is also an installer and fitter of blinds.

They also manufacture number plates for vehicles

How does the business operate on a daily basis?

Clients phone in or make contact by walking into the store.

They discuss the safety or blinds customer's requirements and then see how they can assist them.

They also make number plates for customers who walk in

What Advertising/Marketing is carried out?

Local newspaper and Facebook page plus marketing from Franchisor

What competition exists?

It is a town with very little competition especially since the franchise has exclusive access to the area of operations with regards to the security barrier business

With regards to the blinds and number plates, there are other companies in town who perform that service

How could the profitability of the business be improved?

Could do more advertising. A more attentive owner would result in increased profits

Give a breakdown of staff/ functions/ length of service?

Administrator - Employed since 7 February 2005
Installer - Employed since 13 November 2006
Driver & Installer - Employed since 16 September 2019

Do any have management potential?

Owner's son can stay to assist buyer to employ a manager if required.

How involved is the Owner in running the business?

Managed by owner and family

When does the current lease end?

Seller owns the building and will continue to be the landlord. The option exists to acquire the premises, but this will be discussed with each interested buyer

What are the trading hours?

07:30 to 17:00 Monday to Friday
08:00 to 12:00 Saturday

What are the main assets of the business?

Office equipment including PC's and printer plus 1 vehicle as well as the machine to produce number plates


Well known franchise with strong brand recognition
Business has been around for many decades
Franchise has exclusive access to area of operations
Multiple revenue streams so not reliant on just one type of customer


Franchise limits the range of operations.


An active owner would drive more sales into the business


New entrants in the town

What is the reason for the sale?

Owner focusing on other businesses and going back to farming

Contact | Enquire


Rudi White

LocationSouth Africa, Gauteng

Preferred method of contact

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