Ref. No - BFS937223

LocationSouth Africa, Gauteng

Ref. No - BFS937223

Sector - Manufacturing

Asking Price
Monthly Profit
Asset Value
R 7,000,000
Stock Value
R 200,000
Yearly Net Profit
R 2,174,852


Concrete batch plant for sale in Johannesburg! - Ideal location - Borehole water supply - competent staff force - manager run.

Give me more information

Fully describe the business's activities?

Leading, accredited producer and supplier of ready-mixed concrete, to all sectors of the construction industry.
The business operates from a fully automated concrete plant serving large parts of Pretoria and Johannesburg, they also operate mobile plants for clients with high volume demands.
Their ready-mixed concrete is manufactured under computer-controlled operations and transported and delivered on site using sophisticated equipment and methods.

How does the business operate on a daily basis?

They serve a broad array of clients, from individual homeowners to commercial and industrial developers.
They supply the following clients on a daily basis:
- concrete sub-contractors
- commercial and industrial property developers
- residential developers
- building contractors
- homeowners
- pool builders
Products include standard / normal class concrete (designed for residential applications, low-rise buildings, paving etc.) as well as high-performance concrete (designed for high-rise, commercial and industrial projects).

What Advertising/Marketing is carried out?

The company employs 2 x reps employed on a commission basis who do a lot of the groundwork.
The company vehicles, which includes trucks and delivery vehicles are all branded with the company logo.

What competition exists?

There are other competitors, however this company has built a name for itself in the industry.

How could the profitability of the business be improved?

Greater owner involvement.

Give a breakdown of staff/ functions/ length of service?

Monthly breakdown:
Manager R32 000
Sales rep. R12 000
Office admin R15 000
2 x general workers R4500 each
Tipper driver R8280
Loader R8600
Batcher R9600

Do any have management potential?

The business is currently manager run.

How involved is the Owner in running the business?

The owner is not involved on a daily basis; however, he provides oversight.

What are the main assets of the business?

Outstanding balances.
2021 liu gong loader R270 000
2021 powerstar tipper R 300 000
2024 toyota starlet R 247 000
2024 toyota e/cab R 730 000
2022 NP 200 R 155 000

Fully automated ready-mix plant (fully paid)
including borehole.
80kva generator lovol 2021 (fully paid)


Well established and well known in the area amongst developers and construction companies.
Great location with large ongoing construction products in the surrounding area.
Borehole sunk resulting in large savings
Manager run with competent staff force.


Lack of owner involvement.


Increased marketing and larger sales force will result in greater growth.
Expand marketing and sales to areas further out.



What is the reason for the sale?

The owners want to persue other business interests.

Contact | Enquire


Peter Kind

LocationSouth Africa, Gauteng

Preferred method of contact

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